Super Smart Person's Guide to Cloud Computing - San Diego


We are offering a fun and educational event just about the cloud. This session will help CEOs, Directors, Managers, and Dilberts learn what the heck the cloud is all about. Don’t get left out of the conversation. Learn how your business / organization can benefit from this technology. The cloud is all around you and you need to know what it is.

When: January 29, 2015
Time: 4:00 – 7:00 (ish)
Location: San Diego – Specific Location TBD – trust us we’ll pick a cool place.
Cost: $50 donation payable to Veterans 360

This event is hosted by Veterans 360 and GovCloud Network.

Dilbert Cloud
During this “event” hors d’oeuvres will be served / beer / cocktails are available (cash bar) with a live auction & networking event for you to chat with freshly minted Cloud Experts.

( This content is being syndicated through multiple channels. The opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not represent the views of GovCloud Network, GovCloud Network Partners or any other corporation or organization.)

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