Deconstructing Cloud: An Excellent Guide to the Cloud Computing World

On an almost daily basis, I'm approach for my views on "cloud computing technology".  Although typically innocent in nature, I always cringe at the thought of enduring yet another hours long discussion over the existence of a "cloud computing business model". With this in mind, you can understand the joy I experienced when I read an advance copy of "Deconstructing Cloud" by Andrea Bilobrk. This soon to be released work artfully balances both the technical and business aspects of cloud computing in an easy to read tutorial.

Writing from a knowledgeable viewpoint as a blogger at, Andrea minimizes the normally steep learning curve of applying this new approach for provisioning and consuming information technology. She skillfully  uses humor and easily understood anecdotes to illustrate how businesses can really gain true value.

"This book was written for one purpose.  Much like the old Tinder Stratus blog, this book was written to deliver as much information as possible about cloud, so we can minimize the huge learning curve.  Let’s face it; no one has time to read a stack of books and articles on cloud just to gather little bits of information from each.  Instead we need a comprehensive guide to all the key issues, a guide that organizations can use to quickly get up to speed on cloud so they can start adopting these amazing new business processes.  The only way to do this is by covering both the positive and negative aspects of cloud in a way that our leaders can understand.  That is why this book exists."

Andrea, you hit the mark with this one!

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