Demystifying PaaS for Federal Government

Join us on April 16, 2013 at 1 PM EDT to remove the mystery surrounding Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) for Federal Government

The PaaS market is plagued with confusion, and agencies are slow to adopt technologies that they do not fully understand. With the high costs of software development, the Government stands to save billions of dollars by adopting PaaS and other cloud technologies. The Federal CIO’s office suggests that Shared Platforms will improve efficiencies by building once and using many times – but what does that mean to Federal buyers?

This FREE event will help Federal Government better understand PaaS to make better decisions and facilitate adoption. Please join distinguished panelists (from NIST, GSA, NASA, Cisco, NJVC and Dell) as we attempt to demystify the topic of Platform as a Service (PaaS) for Government.

The format will be one hour with 5 minutes presentations by each of five panelists, followed by dynamic Q&A. The format will be similar to the recent 'Shared Cloud Services in Government' event, in which panelists from GSA, NIST, the Canadian Cloud Council and Industry helped raise awareness to the Federal cloud computing community about Shared Services in Government.

This event is hosted by ( and sponsored by NJVC's Cloudcuity team ( We look forward to "seeing" you there!

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