Firefox Shortcut

As we know Mozilla Firefox is very popular amongst all the browsers. It has lots of shortcut, so here in this post I am going to show you the shortcuts available in mozilla firefox.
Double-click (On a word)                                   Select the word.
Triple-click                                                              Select entire line.
Wheel click                                                              Activate the Smooth scrolling
Hold Ctrl + Scroll Wheel forward                   Increase font size
Hold Ctrl + Scroll Wheel backward               Decrease font size
Click one end, hold Shift & click another    Create a selection from the two points
F5                                                                                 Refresh.
F6                                                                                 Move focus to address bar.
F11                                                                               Toggle on/off full-screen mode
Alt + (Left Arrow)                                                  Go back on history. Same pas Backspace
Alt + (Right Arrow)                                               Go forward on history.
Ctrl + A                                                                       Select All.
Ctrl + B                                                                        Favorites.
Ctrl + C                                                                        Copy Selected.
Ctrl + D                                                                        Add the current page to favorite.
Ctrl + E                                                                        Search panel.
Ctrl + F                                                                        Find (on page).
Ctrl + H                                                                        Toggle History panel.
Ctrl + I                                                                          Toggle Favorites panel.
Ctrl + J                                                                          Download.
Ctrl + N                                                                         Open New browser window.
Ctrl + P                                                                          Print current page / frame.
Ctrl + R                                                                          Refresh. Same as F5
Ctrl + T                                                                           New Tab
Esc                                                                                   Stop (while page is loading).
Ctrl + Enter                                                                  Auto complete a url address
Shift + Enter                                                                 Complete a .net instead of a .com address.
Ctrl + Shift + Enter                                                     Complete a .org address.
Ctrl + Tab                                                                       Cycle through open tabs.


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