DoD, NASA and GSA Address Secure Cloud Computing

On Thursday, May 26th, the Federal Executive Forum featured three important Federal cloud computing leaders:
  • David McClure- Associate Administrator, GSA Office of Citizen Services and Communications
  • Col. Kevin Foster- Office of the Secretary of Defense
  • Chris Kemp- CTO, NASA Ames
The one hour program discussed:
-  Key Initiatives & Progress Made in Cloud Computing
NASA Ames Nebula and DISA RACE Case Studies 
- GSA Cloud Computing Storefront Update 
- Barriers or Contraints to still overcome in getting to a Secure Cloud Environment 
- A Future Vision for the next 1-2 Years in Cloud Computing

A program excerpt is provided below.

Video of the entire program is available on the Federal Executive Forum website. These 1 hour radio and video programs are produced and broadcast monthly in Washington, DC and feature 3-4 Top Government IT Executives discussing mission critical issues. The programs always include some of the top federal government technology leaders.

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