Government Cloud Computing Value Survey

As part of a continuing Government Cloud computing education program, Dataline, LLC has released a Government Cloud Computing Value Survey. This online resource has been designed as an aid to help Federal agencies explore the value of cloud computing. Through a 15 minute interactive session, this survey will:

  • Provide a high level cloud computing tutorial;
  • Explain the Federal Cloud Computing Initiative;
  • Give an overview of cloud computing solutions; and
  • Present possible cloud computing business value statements.

Referencing a recent Booz Allen Hamilton cloud computing economic analysis, the survey includes a easy-to-use series of questions designed to efficiently work through some of the key cloud computing value statements. A Cloud Computing Cost/Benefit Ratio calculator is also included.

Cloud Musings

Calculator results provide only a representative example of the economic business case for cloud computing. The results should not be used for actual budget planning. The model used is derived from summary results of a Booz Allen Hamilton life-cycle cost (LCC) estimate of public, private, and hybrid clouds. That analysis assumes a 3-year transition period from a status quo (SQ) described as a 1000-server, unvirtualized datacenter. For each scenario, investment costs are incurred from FY10 to FY12 and includes (depending on the scenario) hardware procurement and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software license fees; contractor labor required for installation, configuration, and testing; and technical and planning support (i.e., system engineering and program management costs) before and during the cloud migration.

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