NCOIC Holding Full-Day Cloud Computing Workshop
The Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium will be holding an all day Cloud Computing Workshop on September 21, 2009 in Fairfax, VA. Open to the public, this workshop will focus on Net-Centric Standards and Best Practices for Cloud Storefronts and Cloud Computing Support for Tactical Networks. Invited speakers include:
- Katie Lewin from the General Services Administration with insight into the US Federal Cloud Computing Initiative
- Dan Risacher (OSD-NII) on the US Department of Defense cloud computing activities
- Peter Tseronis, Department of Energy Deputy CIO and Chair, Federal CIO Cloud Computing Working Group
- Craig Lee on the Cloud Standards Coordination Group
- Peter Mell of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
- John Willis co-author of the Cloud Use Cases Group's, Cloud Computing Use Cases White Paper
- Rob Vietmeyer of the Defense Information Systems Agency
The NCOIC is a unique collaboration of premier leaders in the aerospace, defense, information technology, large-scale integrator and services industries. The Consortium works in tandem with customers from around the world, each with a specific mission, to provide a set of tools that enable the development of network centric capabilities and products. An example of the consortium's unique capabilities the recent agreement between NCOIC and the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to advance the Enterprise Architecture of NextGen, FAA’s national airspace (NAS) transformation program. The NCOIC will analyze and evaluate NextGen’s enterprise architecture views, products, plans, net-centric patterns and operational concepts. Working collaboratively, its members will develop “voice of industry” recommendations about applying net-centric standards to the NextGen procurement, as a way to achieve interoperability in the NAS and, potentially, the skies beyond U.S. borders.
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