Some More Cloud Computing Survey Results

As promised, here are some more results from the MIT/"Cloud Musings" on-line survey!

Please remember, THIS IS NOT A SCIENTIFIC SURVEY !! The purpose is only to get a sense of the government cloud computing marketplace.

Total responses - 121

Type of Respondent Organization
Federal Government - 41%
Industry - 37%
State/Local Government - 20%
Educational Institution - 2%

Familiarity with Cloud Computing
Somewhat familiar - 63%
Not at all - 21%
Very familiar - 17%

Geographic Distribution
North East - 41%
North Central - 17%
West - 15%
Southeast - 9%
South Central - 9%

Challenges to address with Cloud Computing
Capital Budget Limitations - 24%
Storage Limitations - 15%
Event driven information requirements - 13%
Ubiquitous information access - 13%
Composite application requirements (Mash-ups) - 10%
Data center limitations-  9%
Operational spikes exceed IT infrastructure capacity - 9%
Other - 7%

Main Concern
Security - 54%
Finance/Budget - 12%
Unfamiliar with technology - 12%
Access - 8%
Adoption by organization - 8%
Contracting vehicle - 4%
Use with existing grid - 4%

This is just a snapshot, but there are a few take-aways:
  • The federal government is definitely interested in cloud computing technology. State agencies are exploring the possibilities as well
  • 21% of the respondents knew nothing about cloud computing.
  • Respondents were concentrated in the northeast US.
  • Capital budget limitations is the leading driver of interest in cloud computing
  • Security is the main concern


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