Gartner on Cloud Computing / Yahoo vs. Icahn- May 15, 2008

Gartner thinks that cloud computing may be the next big thing:

By 2012, 80 percent of Fortune 1000 enterprises will pay for some cloud computing service and 30 percent of them will pay for cloud computing infrastructure.

Through 2010, more than 80 percent of enterprise use of cloud computing will be devoted to very large data queries, short-term massively parallel workloads, or IT use by startups with little to no IT infrastructure.

According to Gartner analysts Daryl Plummer and Thomas Bittman at the Gartner Emerging Technologies conference in Las Vegas Cloud computing is largely misunderstood, but it’s a big deal. It could,in fact, be as big as the e-business revolution.

See more at Cloud computing: A look at the myths.

Carl Icahn and the the Yahoo Board of Directors are apparently having a very pointed discussion now. Mr. Icahn implies that the Yahoo board is not fulfilling their responsibilities to the stockholders. The back and forth is explained at Yahoo to Icahn: You misunderstand


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