The Emerging Science of Digital Forensics
By Melvin Greer Managing Director, Greer Institute for Leadership and Innovation Without question, the rise in cyberleaks, nation-state cyber terrorism and the beach of consumer data across multiple industry domains has led to a heightened awareness of the enterprise and personal responsibilities associated with cybersecurity. The consumerization of IT and the adoption of cloud, mobile and social media by enterprise organizations is opening a new threat landscape and new threat vectors. Everyone is affected and everyone is talking about it, from senior executives to teenagers. In its SecureWorks “The Next Generation of Cybercrime” executive brief , Dell cites a study conducted by the Ponemon Institute, which found that “the average cost of a data breach was $7.2 million in 2010.” The rate of cybercrime and the impact of cyberbreaches have exponentially accelerated since then. This has resulted in the emerging science of digital forensics. Digital forensics can be describ...