
Affichage des articles du juillet, 2014

Inability Of Organizations To Manage "The Flow" Of Talent Management

The flow , a concept developed by one of my favorite psychologists, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, matches the popular performance versus potential matrix that many managers use to evaluate and calibrate their employees. For people to be in the flow they need to be somewhere in the middle moving diagonally up. Ideally, this is how employees should progress in their careers but that always doesn't happen. To keep employees in the flow you want to challenge them enough so that they are not bored but you don't want to put them in a situation where they can't perform and are set up for a failure. Despite of this framework being used for a long period of time I see many organizations and managers continue to make these three mistakes: Mistaking potential for performance Performance, at the minimum, is about given skills and experience how effectively person accomplishes his or her goals. Whereas potential is about what person could do if the person could a) acquire skills b) gain acce...

ERPGovCloud: Your Path to DCAA Compliance

So you won your first Government Contract… Congratulations!  Among the new issues you will need to consider, your accounting systems, both practices and technology, will need to pass muster with Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) auditors. This will require a combination of internal processes and controls. Your accounting system will need to properly delineate direct and indirect costs, must properly pool indirect costs, and must properly handle unallowable costs. It’s likely that you are currently using Quickbooks , the dominant player in small and medium enterprise (SME) accounting. You may need a new software solution. We have seen estimates that Quickbooks’ Chart of Accounts can be restructured to make DCAA compliance possible in about a week. However, you will also need to add a DCAA compliant Time Sheet system, and will probably need to add a third party reporting system like Qqube or similar, then invest the time to create the detailed reports you want for internal ana...

GovCloud Media Network Feature: Army IT Playlist

The GovCloud Media Network features agency specific video playlist for registered members. Please enjoy this feature on the Army IT. Please visit the new GovCloud Network Media Library for more video content. For membership information please send request to . Video Platform Video Management Video Solutions Video Player ↑ Grab this Headline Animator ( Thank you. If you enjoyed this article , get free updates by email or RSS - © Copyright Kevin L. Jackson 2012 ) -->