
Affichage des articles du décembre, 2011

Loving What I Do For Living

A few months back, I was helping a very large customer of ours to help simplify as well as automate their process of trading financial instruments. During one of my many visits to their office, I met a person who was trying to explain to me his job in supporting the people that are involved in this super complex process. I always ask a lot of questions — until they're totally annoyed and ready to kick me out of the room — to get a complete understanding of the business rationale behind whatever they're thriving for and their personal motivation behind it. Something unusual happened at this meeting. Instead of getting into the gory technical details of how they get things done, he chose to tell me a short and simple story. "You know, um.. there's this early morning meeting everyday that Peter goes to with a bunch of other people. They all gather around a large table in a dimly lit conference room with a bunch of printed spreadsheets, a laptop, and a large calculator. Pe...

December 2011: GovCloud Moves From Policy to Law

Over the past years, government cloud computing has steadily moved forward from it's early beginnings as an interesting curiosity: December 23, 2008 - Now really. Should the Obama administration use cloud computing? Since Sunday's broadcast, I've been asked numerous times about my real answer to the question " Will 'Cloud Computing' Work In White House ". Although I would never assume to be in a position to advise the President-elect, I'm more than happy, however, to add my voice to the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the distinguished list of contributors that recently released the CSIS Commission on Cybersecurity for the 44th Presidency . I truly believe that cloud computing technology can be used to implement some of their recommendations. One in particular is their recommendation for a National Office for Cyberspace (NOC) and a new National Security Council Cybersecurity Directorate (NSCCD). Along with the relevant...

Design thinking: A New Approach To Fight Complexity And Failure

Photo credit: String Theory by Michael Krigsman The endless succession of failed projects forces one to question why success is elusive, with an extraordinary number of projects tangling themselves in knots. These projects are like a child’s string game run amok: a large, tangled mess that becomes more convoluted and complex by the minute. IT projects fail all the time. Business blames IT, IT blames the system integrator (SI), who then blames the software vendor. After all this blaming and shaming, everyone goes back to work on another project without examining the project management methods and processes that caused the failure. And, so, they fail again. There’s no one definition of design thinking. It’s a mindset and set of values that applies both analytical and creative thinking towards solving a specific problem. Design thinking is about how you think and not what you know; it is about the journey and not the destination. Having followed Michael Krigsman ’s analysis of IT project ...

ESET Nod32 Keys Username And Password !!!

Hello Friends, Here are  some Fresh Username and Password for ESET NOD32 Antivirus.. :- ) Username: EAV-51526916 Password: kpvr48kr5n Expiration: 13/03/2017 Username: EAV-54108373 Password: sm6rr8rmdj Expiration: 29/04/2017 Username: EAV-54108377 Password: pnkxjm4rua Expiration: 29/04/2017 Username: EAV-54108379 Password: vckucfdev5 Expiration: 29/04/2017 Username: TRIAL-56225335 Password: 78c5pfcrhn Expiration: 29/12/2011 Username: TRIAL-56225342 Password: ts3a7caesf Expiration: 29/12/2011 Username: TRIAL-56225354 Password: auvdaptrtd Expiration: 29/12/2011 Username: TRIAL-56225364 Password: 54jfje4664 Expiration: 29/12/2011 Username: TRIAL-56277215 Password: 68kt7taxre Expiration: 30/12/2011 Username: TRIAL-56277229 Password: dsan686r5r Expiration: 30/12/2011 Username: TRIAL-56277239 Password: a3vrexd6ee Expiration: 30/12/2011 Username: TRIAL-56277247 Password: jdcru3bmxs Expiration: 30/12/2011 Username: TRIAL-56277259 Password: rs826jj82u Expiration: 30/12/2011 Username: TRIAL-56277...

Free Antivirus Avast 4.8 Professional License Keys !!!

Hello Friends ,  Today I will Give you Avast 4.8 Professional License Keys !! 1) First Download Avast 2) Then Install The Antivirus . 3) After that go to Maintenance ==> Registration ==> Insert the License Key ..   Serials last till to 1 may 2012! S/N:W3446436R8800P1106-FX9VZPYF S/N:W9685010R8800L1106-ZVDWCSCK S/N:W3518199R8800K1106-WNYVBKA6 S/N:W9237226R8800E1106-M8X7LFND S/N:W1112550R8800F1106-HD4RXPKT S/N:W2548301R8800J1106-LUF4R92C S/N:W9465601R8800U1106-2R4XVTFY S/N:W7760656R8800A1106-398KP8FZ S/N:W9654686R8800U1106-6L51HC20 S/N:W8598235R8800D1106-BMCW3VNR S/N:S9097868R9097F1106-CRUDS1Y2    Serials Last till to 2013-2016 years S/N:W7444164R9965A0911-KAJBBSDL S/N:W1003130R9975A0912-RCUR86KL S/N:W5299231R9973A0911-4PN0Y545 S/N:W7630705R9946A0912-D3EFM38L S/N:W4264775R9967A0911-6ZSDBUL9 S/N:S8128161R9977A0911-FAM7JJH8 S/N:S1464458R9970A0912-9M3D30L4 S/N:S1122519R9970A0911-2WLUXS0Y S/N:S1902164R9954A0911-7FNEU1BC S/N:C5101589R9945A0910-PX0H0W8S S/N:C2080008R9941A0911-N9H4S8YM S/...