
Affichage des articles du mai, 2007

Hello World from JavaOne 2007!

Just came back from JavaOne 2007 . The experience was as good as I expected it to be, well sort of. The energy and excitement have been going down at JavaOne year after year. This is my seventh JavaOne and I could feel that. Not to sure what to make out that but there are a lot of missed opportunities on Sun's side. On a positive side the sessions were good and the live demos did work! As promised Sun announced the OpenJDK with GPLv2 license. Finally the open source community will get their hands around Java. Sun is going to maintain the commercial (and free) version of JDK and that should allow organizations to continue embedding it without worrying about any GPL issues around derivative work. I attended a session by Eben Moglen and he was quite pleased with this announcement. He was also optimistic that GPLv3 will be aligned with Apache license when it is finalized. I really hope that happens. Apparently it was a crime if speakers did not to talk about Ajax. The Ajax discussio